Book Review : Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops by Jen Campbell

Author: Jen Campbell
Published by: Constable and Robinson
Pages: 119 Pages
Published on : April 5, 2012
Format : Hardcover (Bookdepository)
Started on : August 15, 2015
Finished on : August 15, 2015
Rating : 3,4 / 5 stars

Summary :
This Sunday Times bestseller is a miscellany of hilarious and peculiar bookshop moments: 'Can books conduct electricity?'
'My children are just climbing your bookshelves: that's ok... isn't it?'

A John Cleese Twitter question ['What is your pet peeve?'], first sparked the 'Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops' blog, which grew over three years into one bookseller's collection of ridiculous conversations on the shop floor. 

From 'Did Beatrix Potter ever write a book about dinosaurs?' to the hunt for a paperback which could forecast the next year's weather; and from 'I've forgotten my glasses, please read me the first chapter' to 'Excuse me... is this book edible?: here is a book for heroic booksellers and booklovers everywhere.

This full-length collection illustrated by the Brothers McLeod also includes top 'Weird Things' from bookshops around the world

Review :
I have spend my day just do nothing and i only can read one books for today since yeah i've hurt my left ankle last night when i've practiced Futsal match. So I kinda lost my mood to read a lot books and fortunately i've picked humor books that brighten my day! :)

I have bought this books from TBD since they offered me 10% more discount since i've participated on Booktubeathon 10 that was being held on August 3rd - August 9th 2015. Thank you i've got my owned copy. OMG I love this books smell, I know it weird i love the smell of paper when i sniff them.. :p

Weird things Customers Say in Bookshops is a compilation stories based on Edinburgh Bookshop and Ripping Yarns bookshop experience when they meet demanding and hillarious customer is. Hahhaa Oh my God i just wanna laugh when i read some hillarious Questions from the customers and these are most epic one for me :

Tales From the Edinburgh Bookshop 

1. CUSTOMER: Hi, I just wanted to ask: did Anne Frank ever write a sequel?
BOOKSELLER: ........ 
CUSTOMER: I really enjoyed her first book. 
BOOKSELLER: Her diary? 
CUSTOMER: Yes, the diary. 
BOOKSELLER: Her diary wasn’t fictional. 
BOOKSELLER: Yes... She really dies at the end – that’s why the diary finishes. She was taken to a concentration camp. 
CUSTOMER: Oh... that’s terrible. 
BOOKSELLER: Yes, it was awful - 
CUSTOMER: I mean, it’s such a shame, you know? She was such a good writer.

2. CUSTOMER: Do you have a copy of Nineteen Eighty Six?
BOOKSELLER: Nineteen Eighty Six?
CUSTOMER: Yeah, Orwell
BOOKSELLER: Oh - Nineteen Eighty Four.
CUSTOMER: No, I'm sure it's Nineteen Eighty Six; I've always remembered it because it's the year I was born

3. Phone rings.
CUSTOMER: Hi. I was wondering if you could help me. I’m looking for a book for my niece. She’s six and I’ve no idea what to buy her.
BOOKSELLER: Sure. What kinds of things is she in to?
CUSTOMER: I don’t really know. I don’t see her very often – my sister lives abroad.
BOOKSELLER: OK, what’s her name?
BOOKSELLER: Ah, well, have you considered the Dick King Smith Sophie series? There’s even a book called Sophie’s Six.
CUSTOMER: OK, sure, that sounds like a good idea.
BOOKSELLER: Do you want me to double check that we have those in stock? I’m pretty sure we do.
CUSTOMER: No, it’s OK. I’m just going to order them online.
BOOKSELLER: But... we just gave you the recommendation.
CUSTOMER: I know, and I appreciate it. It’s a pain that Amazon don’t have a physical person I can ask about this sort of thing. Still, I can always
rely on you guys for advice.

4. CUSTOMER: I’d like a refund on this book please.
BOOKSELLER: What seems to be the problem?
CUSTOMER: It’s broken! I barely touched it. It’s ridiculous!
BOOKSELLER: What do you mean?
CUSTOMER: I mean all I did was drop it in the bath by accident. And now, I mean, just look at it: the thing’s unreadable!

The Tales from Ripping Yarns 

1. CUSTOMER (Holds up a biography): Do you have this book but without the photographs?
BOOKSELLER: I think the photographs are published alongside the text in every edition.
BOOKSELLER: I suppose so you can see what everyone looked like
CUSTOMER: I don't like photographs
CUSTOMER: Could you cut them out for me?

2. CUSTOMER (peering over): Do you have brown eyes?
CUSTOMER: My mother told me never to trust anyone with brown eyes.
BOOKSELLER: . . . You have brown eyes.

BOOKSELLER: Hi there, how i can help?
CUSTOMER: Could you please explain Kindle to me?
BOOKSELLER: Sure. It's an e-redaer, which means you download books and read them on a small hand-held computer.
CUSTOMER: Og OK, I see. So..this Kindle. Are the books on that paperback or hardback?

And so on.. You should read by yourself for more hillarious question for the customer is. Haha the books is totally Funny! :D 

Book Review : 5 to 1 by Holly Bodger

Images credits to : Goodreads
Title: 5 to 1
Author: Holly Bodger
Published by: Knopf Books for Young Readers
Pages: 256 Pages
Published on : May 12th, 2015
Format : E-book
Started on : June 28th, 2015
Finished on : June 30th, 2015
Rating : 3,1 / 5 stars

In the year 2054, after decades of gender selection, India now has a ratio of five boys for every girl, making women an incredibly valuable commodity. Tired of marrying off their daughters to the highest bidder and determined to finally make marriage fair, the women who form the country of Koyanagar have instituted a series of tests so that every boy has the chance to win a wife.

Sudasa, though, doesn't want to be a wife, and Kiran, a boy forced to compete in the test to become her husband, has other plans as well. As the tests advance, Sudasa and Kiran thwart each other at every turn until they slowly realize that they just might want the same thing.

This beautiful, unique novel is told from alternating points of view-Sudasa's in verse and Kiran's in prose-allowing readers to experience both characters' pain and their brave struggle for hope

"In the year 2054, after decades of gender selection, India now has a ratio of five boys for every girl, making women an incredibly valuable commodity. Tired of marrying off their daughters to the highest bidder and determined to finally make marriage fair, the women who form the country of Koyanagar have instituted a series of tests so that every boy has the chance to win a wife"

we will being told from two POVs - Sudasa in free verse and Kiran in prose. Kiran is one of the contestant that have to be participate in some test to get married with Sudasa. The test such as running, make some poems, cooking and how well do you know the girl. In the other hand, i just realize that in this books is one of unique dystopia books since it doesn't have ROMANCE at all! waww. >__<

I liked both characters Sudasa and Kiran. They were strong, pleasingly rebellious, and I sympathized with both their situations since they have an difficult situations. In the end they just want to be free. FREEDOM is hard to get and need some sacrifices.

Reason why you should read this book!
1. The dystopia setting is in Future India. This is really good point. Can you mention how many dystopian books that location in Asia? they usually takes place in America.
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins --> North America
Divergent by Veronica Roth --> Chicago
Slip by David Eastes --> United States of America
Legend by Marie Lu --> Western United States

2. Zero Romance level
If you doesn't like any too much romance level in dystopia such as Shatter Me or The Selection Stories: The Queen & The Favorite you will love this books

3. The gender imbalance between men and women until 5 to 1 it is interesting one
4. The POV is being told by Prose and verse
5. Beautiful and eye-catchy cover! I really really love it >__<

Reason why you don't like this book
1. The ending is for me is so-so not a great one but yah it was Ok
2. Bad Setting description for dystopian world

Book Review : 60 Tahun Konferensi Asia-Afrika by Tim Buku Tempo

Images Credits to Goodreads
Pengarang: Tim Buku Tempo
Diterbitkan Oleh: Tim Buku Tempo
Halaman: 155 Halaman
Format : Paperback
Mulai membaca : 13 Juni 2015
Selesai membaca : 13 Juni 2015
Rating : 4 / 5 bintang

Minggu, awal April 2015. Sekitar 3.500 orang dari berbagai--lapisan--warga sipil, polisi, dan tentara--tumpah-ruah memenuhi Jalan AsiaAfrika, Bandung. Mereka bersih-bersih untuk menyambut tamu Peringatan 60 Tahun Konferensi Asia-Afrika (KAA). “Ribuan warga Bandung mau menjadi apa saja untuk acara ini,” kata Wali Kota Bandung RidwanKamil. Ada yang sukarela menjadi pemandu tamu, fotografer, sampai penjaga keamanan; tak sedikit yang menyokong dana renovasi untuk Hotel Swarha, menyumbang pot bunga, hingga akik untuk suvenir. Demikianlah semangat Bandung 1955 hidup kembali tak hanya di kalangan pemimpin negaratetapi juga warga biasa.

Menengok kembali 60 tahun silam, Tempo mengungkap hal-hal yang belum begitu banyak ditulis seputar KAA. Misal, kisah seru kedatangan Perdana Menteri Cina Zhou Enlai yang diwarnai berita pesawat yang ia tumpangi meledak. Lalu, benarkah ada ‘Komite Ramah Tamah’ yang disiapkan untuk para delegasi? Juga cerita bagaimana Sukarno berusaha meyakinkan Roeslan Abdulgani dan Ali Sastroamidjodjo agar merenovasi Gedung Merdeka tetapi gagal.

Dipaparkan pula potensi kerja sama SelatanSelatan yang mungkin kita kembangkan ke depan. Apakah minyak kelapa sawit, produk kayu, bahan bangunan, olahan kulit, atau justru batik? Bagaimanapun, Semangat Bandung 1955 adalah kerja sama dan sinergi dari para underdog. Dan kita ingin api itu tetap bernyala!

"Asia dan Afrika
Ketika kusenandungkan dalam hati nyanyian lama
Dan fajar dalam hatiku ada dalam kemendungan
Akan kunyanyikan bait akhir untuk negeri tercinta
Untuk nuansa hijau di hutan-hutan Kenya dan Melayu
Untuk rekan-rekanku di negara-negara Asia"

(Asia-Afrika by Abdel karem Elkabili)

Banyak sisi lain dari KAA yang memikat hati saya didalam buku ini. Iya sesimpel itu saya hanya mengetahui KAA dari buku sejarah dimana pada tanggal 18-25 April 1955 para pemimpin dunia berkumpul di Bandung yang menghasilkan Dasasila Bandung. 60 tahun berlalu dan kemarin perhelatan akbar KAA diadakan kembali di Jakarta dan Bandung. Panitia mengundang 109 negara yang terdiri dari 55 negara asia dan 54 negara Afrika. Acara ini memakan biaya 200 miliar

Ada beberapa hal yang menarik didalam persiapan KAA 2015 :
1. Ibu-ibu muda pengajian di Bandung urunan untuk memperbaiki Hotel Swarha

Hotel Swarha dahulunya adalah tempat seratusan wartawan dalam dan luar negeri menginap saat Konferensi Asia-Afrika 1955 berlangsung dan mereka prihatin terhadap nasib hotel tersebut yang bertahun-tahun terbengkalai. Pada 9 Maret 2015, Perempuan Bandung Bersatu mengirim surat kepada Wali Kota Bandung Ridwan Kamil agar diberikan izin untuk merenovasi Swarha.

2. Pembuatan 500 unit cendera mata untuk kepala negara yang hadir

Fauzy Prasetya yang merupakan pemilik Kandura Keramik di Cigadung, Bandung disuruh menyiapkan 500 unit cendera mata dari keramik yang harus selesai dalam dua bulan padahal idealnya waktu yang dibutuhkan adalah 3 bulan. Akhirnya dibuatlah tempat pensil yang tingginya 9 cm dengan lebar 7 cm. Bagian depan souvenir dihiasi empat pilar Gedung Merdeka.

3. Kerja bakti 3.500 orang untuk bersih-bersih di Bandung

Saya takjub ketika membaca hal ini. bayangkan saja 3.500 orang yang dari berbagai lapisan masyarakat mulai dari warga sipil, polisi, dan tentara, semuanya memenuhi jalanan di Bandung untuk melakukan bersih-bersih persiapan dari menjelang datangnya KAA. Bahkan yang saya bikin kagum lagi mereka semua bukan hanya warga Bandung tetapi berdatangan dari berbagai kota seperti Bogor, Tangerang, Depok, Bekasi dan jakarta. Kapan lagi warga Indonesia bekerja bakti sampai seperti ini? *Takjub

4. Foto bersejarah tentang KAA dan hubungan diplomatik Indonesia-Cina

Zhou Enlai yang merupakan perdana menteri Cina yang hadir pada acara KAA di tahun 1955 yang ternyata pemerintah cina mempunyai kopi dari foto dan dokumen asli ketika Zhou Enlai hadir di KAA 1955 dan dokumen tersebut tersimpan di Memorial Hall Zhou enlai and Deng Yingchao di Tianjin, Cina. Kita berhasil mendatangkan dokumen tersebut ke Indonesia dan gak menyangka juga klo pemerintah Cina mau mengizinkan aset sejarah mereka dibawa kemari.

5. Hubungan antara Aljazair dan Indonesia yang layaknya saudara

Tidak bisa dipungkiri pengaruh acara KAA di tahun 1955 membawa dampak yang sangat besar bagi negeri yang bersimbolkan warna hijau, bulan dan bintang di benderanya. Mereka berhasil melepaskan diri dari kolonialisme Perancis yang mencengkeram mereka selama ini

"Hari Kemerdekaan Aljazair ada dua. Pada 1 November, hari nasional kami, dan KAA 1955" Kata Menteri Luar Negeri Aljazair (1991-1993)

Selain itu, Pengerjaan Proyek infrastruktur yang dilakukan oleh PT. Wijaya Karya Tbk berhasil membangun jalan bebas hambatan sepanjang 300 kilometer di Aljazair. Hal yang membuat saya terkesan adalah hal sebagai berikut :

"Delapan tahun berada di Aljazair, Wika sangat diuntungkan oleh sejarah Konferensi Asia-Afrika 1955. Presiden Pertama RI, Soekarno bahkan pasca KAA Terlibat membantu Aljazair meraih kemerdekaan. Peristiwa ini sangat dikenang publik negeri tersebut. "Sampai ditulis di dalam buku pelajaran sejarah sekolah-sekolah di Aljazair. Mereka menganggap Indonesia Saudara" ujar Destaiwan Soewardjono (Direktur WIKA)

Pada 18 Agustus 2011, saya pernah menjelajahi negeri tersebut dalam rentang waktu sebulan. ketika itu saya bertugas memberikan training kepada salah satu organisasi mahasiswa disana dan Ibu saya sendiri menetap bekerja disana sehingga mau tidak mau membuat saya bergaul dengan orang-orang lokal disana.

Satu hal yang saya tangkap, mereka benar-benar sangat menghargai dan menganggap orang Indonesia adalah seperti saudaranya sendiri. Sudah beberapa kali ketika menyebutkan saya berasal dari Indonesia mereka sangat hormat sekali dengan kita dan menceritakan betapa mereka mengagumi Soekarno yang membantu perjuangan kemerdekaan mereka dan itu semua tercantum di buku pelajaran sejarah mereka. Woww! Betapa hal ini membuat saya takjub

Bahkan pernah ketika saya mengikuti ibu saya untuk acara di Tlemcen yang letaknya kurang lebih 3-4 jam perjalanan dengan mobil ketika kami mau memasuki gedung ada petugas keamanan yang menyapa kami berasal dari mana? Pas ketika tahu kami berasal dari Indonesia. Dia berceloteh takjub "Ah ya saya tahu Indonesia! Soekarno kan? Soeharto? Sumatra? Java?" *Hahh? Dia tahu dan kenal sama Indonesiaa! Astaga itu benar2 momen yang bikin saya speechless karena bukan apa-apa kalo dibandingkan kita pergi ke negara2 eropa orang-orang akan lebih tahu Indonesia itu di Bali bukan kebalikannya Bali itu ya di Indonesia.

Kalo mau baca sedikit pengalaman saya di Aljazair bisa dibaca di blog saya :

Last but not least, Buku ini berhasil mengungkap sisi-sisi lain dibalik persiapan KAA yang menurut saya unik dan berhasil membuat saya takjub (Saya mencoba mengabaikan fakta bahwa beberapa ruas jalan di Jakarta menjadi amat macet karena dibuka tutup untuk datangnya kepala negara) maka tanpa ragu-ragu saya menghadiahkan 4 dari 5 bintang untuk buku ini! Sukaaa dan bikin terharu >__<

Book Review: Kesebelasan GenHalilintar My Family My Team by Lenggogini Faruq

Credit images to Goodreads
Pengarang: Lengogeni Faruk
Diterbitkan Oleh: Gramedia
Halaman: 349 Halaman
Format : Paperback
Mulai membaca : 12 Juni 2015
Selesai membaca : 13 Juni 2015
Rating : 3,6 / 5 bintang

11 Kids without baby sitter, without nanny, without maid. Orang tua dengan 6 putra dan 5 putri bekerja sama as a team organizing home like a hotel yang ada room service, house keeping, kitchen, laundry, etc.

Bahkan mereka sudah meneruskan perniagaan orang tua mulai dari penjualan gadget, fashion wear, jual beli mobil, online market, sampai tour operator yang sedang terus berkembang
“Raising 11 kids..without baby sitter, without nanny,without maid. Orang tua dengan 6 orang putra dan 5 putri bekerja sama as a team organizing home like a hotel yan ada room service, house keeping, kitchen laundry,etc”

Saya yang pertama kali membaca blurb dari buku ini merasa terkejut. Wow! Di jaman sekarang hidup membesarkan 1 anak saja bukanlah hal yang mudah apalagi 11 anak! :O

Buku ini mengupas kehidupan yang dijalani oleh pasangan suami istri Halilintar dan LengoGeni yang sudah menikah selama 22 tahun dan mengalami pahit manisnya kehidupan. Mereka sering berkeliling dunia untuk melakukan usaha perdagangan dan bahkan anak-anak mereka sudah mulai meneruskan usaha keluarganya mulai dari penjualan gadget, fashionwear, jual beli mobil, online market, dan lainnya.. :O

Why you should read this books?
1.Penasaran gak bagaimana kisah Bapak Halilintar dan Ibu LengoGeni yang sukses membesarkan 11 orang anak?

2.Inspiring! Kelahiran 11 anak ini semuanya kelahiran normal dan semuanya mendapat ASI eksklusif (Bahkan didalam buku ini sampai ada tabel kelahiran dan data menyusui kesebelas anaknya dengan detail!) Kereeen!

3.Pengaturan sekolah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anak-anak (Homeschooling). Senangnya bisa ngeliat gak hanya kegiatan jasmani dan rohani saja tetapi ada juga pembelajaran unsur dalam diri manusia (fisik,akal, nafsu dan hati)

4.Hampir semua anaknya mulai mengikuti jejak orang tuanya yang merambah dalam dunia bisnis.

5.Kalo senang sama foto2 dan travelling mereka hampir setiap saat bepergian ke luar negeri jadi buku ini juga banyak kumpulan fotonya

6.Uniknya lagi buku ini mengupas masing-masing profile putra putri mereka hingga apa minat dan talenta mereka. Ada yang teliti, ada yang berbakat menjadi salesman/spokesperson, ada yang berbakat dalam hal elektro dan yah orang tua mereka tidak pernah memaksakan apa yang harus mereka tekuni

7.Semua anaknya diajarkan untuk mandiri dan menjadi pribadi yang tangguh. Itu hal yang paling suka didalam buku ini. Semuanya memiliki peran dan berusaha maju dengan caranya masing-masing!

Namun sebuah buku tidak bisa lepas dari kekurangannya. Well, ada beberapa sih yang bikin saya kurang sreg sama buku ini seperti hal sebagai berikut :

1.Penggunaan kata bahasa inggris dan bahasa Indonesia/melayu yang dicampur2 jadi gado-gado dalam buku ini.
Contohnya :

”Tidak lama kemudian kakak, Hestia Faruk dan abang, Harnugama Faruk pun mengiringi menikah dengan abang campus mate dan office mate mereka” – Halaman 41

“Wanita mana yang tidak senang dengan mobil mewah, perhiasan nan indah-indah, diamond ring, lots of cash!? Tetapi ketika wanita mengorbankan itu semua dan mengajukan mahar yang ringan, maka sebenarnya starting point dalam membangun mahligai rumah tangga tidak semata-mata mengedepankan keduniawian apalagi kemewahan – Halaman 47”

“First night always, dimana pun, bersama atau tak bersama menjadi suatu keindahan. Sebab, first night bukan diartikan secara physical dan emotional semata. Kesepahaman, keselarasan fikiran dan keselarasan perasaan akan membuat first night yang luar biasa!”-Halaman 56

Saya paham Bapak Halilintar dan Ibu LenggoGeni berasal dari Dumai, sebuah kota di Pekanbaru (Riau) Jadi kalo disadari ada terbawa pengaruh dialek bahasa melayunya. Mungkin untuk penggunaaan bahasanya dari editor sendiri (Sohwa Halilintar) bisa lebih disesuaikan lagi ya tidak terlalu sering dicampur dengan bahasa inggris

2.Penyebutan nama merek-merek elektronik didalam buku ini

Mungkin pesan sponsor tetapi penyebutan nama merek yang disebutin di profil Muhammad Saaih Halilintar dengan detail cukup membuat saya mengerutkan kening contohnya :

”Apalagi kami sudah memakai keluaran terbarunya yang baru keluar November 2014 kemarin yaitu Seri Go Pro Hero 4 black, yang punya banyak kelebihan di antaranya kualitas gambar yang lebih tajam dengan video 4K 30 FpS disbanding seri sebelumnya yang juga sudah canggih Hero 3+ Black” – Halaman 167

“Tak cukup sampai disitu, Saaih juga melakukan proses video editing sendiri untuk video-video yang diambilnya. Editing dilakukannya dengan Mac Book Pro yang highspec menggunakan software final cut pro”-Halaman 167

3. Harga buku yang cukup menguras kantong

Iya benar kalo kalian termasuk yang penasaran sama buku ini dan suka sama halaman ilustrasi yang warna warni bersiaplah merogoh kocek agak dalam. buku lokal ini dibandrol dengan harga IDR 134.000 dan menurut saya itu tergolong mahal.. Kalo saya tidak benar2 tertarik dan penasaran sama kisah keluarga Halilintar ini saya akan berpikir panjang untuk membelinya. Harga segitu soalnya sudah bisa mendapat 1 buku paperback impor yang isinya full bahasa inggris.

Ada hal lain juga yang sempat mengejutkan saya haha.. sesuatu banget deh ya..

”Atta, Sohwa, Sajidah, Thariq kemudian masuk Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur (SIK), Sekolah di bawah Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia, yang berlokasi di downtown Kuala Lumpur, dekat dengan Putra World Trade Center (PWTC) – seperti JCC-nya Jakarta-dan pusat perbelanjaan The Mall (Sunway Putra Mall)”-Halaman 178

WHATT?! Adek kelas saya dong berarti merekaa! Eaaahh! Dunia sempit banget ketemu sesama alumni SIK haha.. astaga sekarang Yao Han Mall udah berubah nama menjadi The Mall (Sunway Putra Mall). Tampaknya mereka masuk ke sana jauh setelah saya pindah menetap di Indonesia >__<

Last but not least, ada Quotes dibuku ini yang sangat saya sukai :

”Telah dijanjikan bahwa wanita baik untuk lelaki baik, lelaki baik untuk wanita baik. Ternyata ada kaitan antara usaha memperbaiki diri dengan jodoh. Makin tinggi pencapaian seseorang dalam usaha perbaikan dirinya, maka dia akan mendapatkan jodoh yang lebih baik pula”- Halaman 36

*Bagus banget quotes ini untuk jadi bahan intropeksi diri buat saya.

Book Review: Slip by David Eastes

Images Credits to Goodreads

Title: Slip
Author: David Eastes
Published by: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 
Pages: 416 Pages
Published on : December 1st, 2014
Format : E-book
Started on : June 5th, 2015
Finished on : June 7th, 2015
Rating : 3,7 / 5 stars

Someone must die before another can be born...

As sea levels rise and livable landmasses shrink, the Reorganized United States of America has instituted population control measures to ensure there are sufficient resources and food to sustain the growing population. Birth authorization must be paid for and obtained prior to having a child. Someone must die before another can be born, keeping the country in a population neutral position at what experts consider to be the optimal population. The new laws are enforced by a ruthless government organization known as Pop Con, responsible for terminating any children resulting from unauthorized births, and any illegals who manage to survive past their second birthday, at which point they are designated a national security threat and given the name Slip.

But what if one child slipped through the cracks? What if someone knew all the loopholes and how to exploit them? Would it change anything? Would the delicate resource balance be thrown into a tailspin, threatening the lives of everyone?

And how far would the government go to find and terminate the Slip?

In a gripping story of a family torn apart by a single choice, Slip is a reminder of the sanctity of a single life and the value of the lives we so often take for granted

"Since the cataclysmic natural events referred to globally as the Rise and the Fall, American lawmakers have discussed various way to control the growing population to ensure sufficient resources for survival. A five-year study has determined that the ideal economic and social population for the Reorganized United States of America is 504 million.

Prior to pregnancy, all couples planning a family must register with the Department of Population Control of the Reorganized United States of America, and pay a nonrefundable processing fee. After processing, each couple will receive a pregnancy offset, which media is casually referring to as a Death Match, someone who is likely to die in the near future. Only when their Death Match has died will the couple be authorized for pregnancy and child-bearing, thus maintaining the population status Quo. This process has been coined Birth Neutrality, and is being referred to as the cornerstone of our survival" - Chapter One

The boy doesn't even know his own name. His father only called him as "Son" or "Boy". Who is he actually? why he only can get out to the outside only in the night and he can't play with other kids? why he always to stay in the house? many question wandering in his mind.

In the same time the government looking for The Slips. Unauthorized child that born without approval from the government. The parents will be taken as enemy of the country and the punishment only by death without trial.

"Stop!" the boy cries. "I see the kids playing outside. Why are they safe but i'm not? Why am i stuck in here and they get to run around? Why does father only take me out night when everyone's sleeping?" Why do terminate the Slips? What is Pop Con and why does father work there?"

The young boy only have an limited time and his father no options to carry away his son to leave the house. How to the young boy survives in the harsh world when he separates with his father? Will he make it? a young boy's journey is began and his father give him new identity with fake retina ID. His new name now is Benson Mack.

Hahahaa.. actually I'm quite surprised with the storyline and how the plot twist it. I just feel the excitement read this books in 40% ending books since it really focused on the action yayy!
The point plus from this books is the dystopia world atmosphere is really great! I can feel how the citizen have to follow the rules for authorized pregnancy to keep the population control. Let's say this is the best dystopian atmosphere and environment that i've ever read from another dystopian novels!

However the story concept is not really 100% pure original. Let's take a look to Republic of China. They already did the regulation for one-child policy (an additional 53% was allowed to have a second child if the first was a girl). The policy was introduced in 1978 and enacted on September 18th, 1980 to alleviate social, economic and environmental problems in China.Demographers estimate that the policy averted at least 200 million births between 1979 and 2009. You can also read The Dark Road by Ma Jian since the story itself how a woman and her husband have to live as nomaden in boat in order to keep Unauthorized child. Sources :

In the same time, one of the villains in this story which known as a Destroyer or Domino Destrovan which almost half his body made as the machine reminds me of anime/mangas of Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 01 by Hiromu Arakawa (Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric) and also robocop stuff. >__<

Last but not least, I recommend this novel to a reader who loves dystopian novels, and friendships. oh yeah beware of some explicit gore and dark-angst scene in this books. i just love that parts but maybe for some people it kinda disturbing enough.. I can't wait to read the second book Grip which is the cover is Domino Destrovan and the last trilogy book Flip which is the cover is Luce XD

Book Review: Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas

Images Credits to Goodreads
Title: Because You'll Never Meet Me
Author: Leah Thomas
Published by:Bloomsbury USA Children
Pages: 344 Pages
Published on : June 2nd, 2015
Format : Hardcover
Started on : June 2nd, 2015
Finished on : June 2nd, 2015
Rating : 4,2 / 5 stars


In a stunning literary debut, two boys on opposite ends of the world begin an unlikely friendship that will change their lives forever.

Ollie and Moritz are best friends, but they can never meet. Ollie is allergic to electricity. Contact with it causes debilitating seizures. Moritz’s weak heart is kept pumping by an electronic pacemaker. If they ever did meet, Ollie would seize. But Moritz would die without his pacemaker. Both hermits from society, the boys develop a fierce bond through letters that become a lifeline during dark times—as Ollie loses his only friend, Liz, to the normalcy of high school and Moritz deals with a bully set on destroying him.

A story of impossible friendship and hope under strange circumstances, this debut is powerful, dark and humorous in equal measure. These extraordinary voices bring readers into the hearts and minds of two special boys who, like many teens, are just waiting for their moment to shine


"One day, I will meet you. I will meet you and neither of us will die for it. By then you’ll have seen more than enough humidifiers to sicken you.
In one year, I hope to be where you are, Oliver Paulot. I am saving pennies. In the meantime, the handful of friends you’ve helped me gather will be enough to deal with.
Perhaps I’ll surprise you even sooner." - Moritz

"But the kid I’m dying to meet is you. I want to tell you stories in person. And you know, maybe we’re getting closer to that. Keep your chin up. Goggles off.
One day I’ll see you in Kreiszig.." - Oliver

I really can't say anything! Totally Speechless! This books is really greaat! I love the plot twist it, friendship, support and healing wounds each other! that's what a friends for! a place to shoulder to cry on! *Sobbing silently >__<

At first i randomly picked up this books since the blurb is catch my attention. Penpals between a boy who have Electricity Allergic and a boy who have heart pacemaker. How they can understand each other? Oliver cannot stand to anything electricity devices and Heart pacemaker it is. However, Moritz needs his heart pacemaker to survive. What will happen if they meet each other? arghhh! I really curious what will be the ending is.

Can you imagine to live as Oliver?
* Your only the safest place in the world is your wood cabin's house?
* You even cannot touch the empty battery, lamp, and other electricity stuff since it can make you get seizures attack and nosebleeding
* You doesn't know what is the telephone is, radio and party is since your body reacted to something electromagnetism

Can you imagine to live as Moritz?
* You was born eyeless. you doesn't even have eyelids and eyelashes
* You always being bullying target in your school?
* People always laugh at you and shout that you are freak and retarded!

I also shocked there is a red string that connected between Oliver and Moritz. haha i'm not giving a single clue what it is.

Last but not least, I Really love this story! In my opinion, It far away AMAZING STORY better than Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan and Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire.. I love love it the story so much! XD

Book Review : Angelfall bu Susan Ee

Images Credits to Goodreads
Title: Angelfall
Author: Susan Ee
Published by:Feral Dream
Pages: 283 Pages
Published on : May 21st, 2011
Format : E-book
Started on : May 30th, 2015
Finished on : May 31st, 2015
Rating : 4,5 / 5 stars

It's been six weeks since angels of the apocalypse descended to demolish the modern world. Street gangs rule the day while fear and superstition rule the night. When warrior angels fly away with a helpless little girl, her seventeen-year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back.

Anything, including making a deal with an enemy angel.

Raffe is a warrior who lies broken and wingless on the street. After eons of fighting his own battles, he finds himself being rescued from a desperate situation by a half-starved teenage girl.

Traveling through a dark and twisted Northern California, they have only each other to rely on for survival. Together, they journey toward the angels' stronghold in San Francisco where she'll risk everything to rescue her sister and he'll put himself at the mercy of his greatest enemies for the chance to be made whole again.

I never read novels about angel and dystopia before.. after i read the review from my Goodreads friends, Sanny, Mikochin and Ririn Miu i choose to read this one! And my choice is really turn out to be a great one! Awww i really love this one! I will buy the paperback for sure!! >__<

The plot twist start from beginning when Penryn saves the wingless angel who fell down in her city and after that named as Raffe. Raffe lose the battle with other angels and they kidnapped Penryn's sister, Paige. Thats the journey of Penryn and Raffe begin with.. >__<

Why i love this story :
1. The plot twist is really greaaat! Start from the beginning until the ending is make me want to finish read quickly. I can't stop reading at all and until now the intensity still lingering on my mind.

2. The heroine is really tough and cool! I do agree with my friend that said she looks like Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children since she is quite strong in martial arts and can fight in her post-apocalyptic world.

3. No Lovey-Dovey Story. At first i thought okay it will be turn out to be penryn will be a Raffe's lover. It will be turn out to be another Dystopia's couples story such as Peeta x Katniss from The Hunger Games, Four x Tris from Divergent, Mare x Prince Cal from Red Queen and Prince Maxon x America Singer The Selection. But it didn't wow.. yeah i know it just a small kiss from Raffe to Penryn but yeah it also make me excited since it only focusing how Raffe can make his wings sewed again and how Penryn found her little sister again.

4. it's really dark, creepy, dark-angst, gore story . You can call me an masochist but the more darker the story is and i will more really love into it.

*I don't know why the experiment things in this books reminds me some books/movies before such as :
a. the experiment in Final Fantasy VII : Advent Children (Materia that come from Jenova is).
b. an anime that theme about archangels like Makai Ouji (The Devils and the realist) when William Twinings is reincarnation of King Solomon? >__<

I can't wait to read the second book (World After) and the last trilogy (End of Days) soon! Iam so excited! Hahaha